Sources and Extra Information
Before I partake in any recommendations from anyone I always do my research to make sure its right for me.
For the information on I used the book Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes which is based on Dr. Eric Westman’s Lifestyle Medicine Clinic at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Robert Atkins came up with the original diet plan. New Atkins for a New You by Westman, et al, has a more complete diet plan.
of the diet have been tested for years.
Dr. Lefevre, MD and Dr. Aronson, PhD published a systematic review of literature which showed the efficacy of the Ketogenic diet in treating the frequency of episodes in children with refractory epilepsy.
Joaquin Perez-Guisado published his research on Ketogenic diets and its efficacy as an approach to weight loss. His article was called Las dietas cetogénicas: fundamentos y eficacia para la pérdida de peso.
Beyond weight loss: a review of the therapeutic uses of very-low-carbohydrate (ketogenic) diets by Paoli et al provides strong evidence that supports the relatioship between the Ketogenic diet and reducing epileptic episodes, weight loss, and reduction of risks for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It also talks about other potential benefits but those require more research.
came from publications mentioned above and from Ketosis, ketoacidosis and very-low-calorie diets: putting the record straight by G. Mullins et al.